Where were you, when I was alone in the wilderness,
When I learned obedience by the things I suffered?
Where were you, while I was standing in darkness,
Developing my sight sense when no light was offered?
Where were you, when I was lost in the midst of the sea,
When the sky was foggy & my destination I couldn’t see?
Where were you, while I was picking stones to keep myself busy,
And cooking them, hoping that one day, they’ll turn soft & easy?
Where were you, while I was on my knees crawling,
Building my bones strong that one day I’d be running?
Where were you while I was hungry and had no food,
When I had to cover myself with leaves, so I’d not be nude?
Where were you, when I was very close to being defeated,
And was crying for help in fighting the battle of the fittest?
Where were you when I was failing despite my best effort,
When I was totally broken and crying with no comfort?
Can I please get an answer, Where were you?
When I was pouring water ahead, you weren’t around,
Now you wonder how I get to step on a cool ground.
While I was cooking the yam in the pot, you didn’t hear,
Now pounding for a nice meal, you ask “what’s happening here?”
When I was burnt out & depressed, you weren’t there,
Now that I’m strong & independent, you suddenly care.
You weren’t there when life seemed to me like a mystery,
Now you wanna put me through after it’s become history.
You weren’t there when the battle was fierce and heated,
Now you teach strategies after the enemy has been defeated.
You weren’t there when I fainted and needed to be revived,
Now you bring me water, long after I have already survived.
You never knew what it took to write this victory story,
Yet you feel you should be the one to take all the glory.
But the truth of the matter is that I actually wasn’t alone,
Because my God was right there with me all along.
While God was here working, where were you?
© DK, July 2010