High intensity; High-Octane,
It’s electrifying, so insane.
Like the world’s craziest rock band,
I mean the best of the best in the land,
Passing currents as the guitar clicks,
Performing magic with drum sticks.
High tempo sounds; High energy,
Music synchronizing in synergy,
Turning my calm world all over,
Giving me the crazy Rock fever.
On and on like a long distance runner,
Can’t stop, can’t hold back for a second,
But yet getting weaker by the second,
Trying to win it all and not be second.
Heartbeat rate rapidly increasing,
The stamina gradually decreasing.
Both eyes fixed on the goal ahead,
Both legs rebelling against the head,
And the heart isn’t cooperating either,
Can’t wait for the long race to be over.
As electrifying as that crazy Rock band,
That’s how you constantly blow my mind.
Like a runner… Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!
That’s how fast my heart constantly beats.
Shhhhhh!... Now hear how my body heats.
Tick! Tick!! Tick!!! That’s the countdown,
Before my heart explodes & crashes down.
But hey trust me; it’s only a matter of time,
Before you get arrested for a terrible crime,
A crime called heart terrorism…
Because you are a HEART TERRORIST!
© DK, March 2011