The Butcher and the Surgeon has something in common,
And that is the fact that they both cut.
The Butcher cuts to kill,
While the Surgeon cuts to heal.
After cutting up, the Surgeon will bind,
But the Butcher does nothing of that kind.
The Butcher has only his own interest at heart,
While the Surgeon has his patient’s interest at heart.
The Surgeon will show love, care and compassion,
But taking lives is a Butcher’s duty and passion.
Now here is the breakdown of my parable,
Your man is the Butcher, and I’m the Surgeon.
He only cares about what you can bring to his table,
But I genuinely love you with a passion.
He is selfish and doesn’t care about you,
But I am the one who truly loves you.
He loves you like a man would love his chicken,
Because it will eventually end up in a pot in his kitchen.
But I love you like a man loves his own eyes.
So don’t let him bamboozle you with his lies.
Now is the time to make a decision,
Either to choose the Butcher or the Surgeon,
Whether to choose the animal that maltreats you,
Or choose the gentleman that rightly treats you.
Either to keep enduring the torture and pain,
Or start enjoying true love showered like rain.
Now is the chance you have to make him an Ex,
And let him look elsewhere for the money and sex.
The Butcher or the Surgeon,
Which is gonna be your choice?
© DK, November 09