You are a beast,
With a deadly fist.
I am like your prey,
And I have to pray.
Pray that when you launch your next punch,
It won’t take my pathetic life.
That when you swing the next blow,
It won’t take me 6 feet below.
A beat-down is how you say Hi,
Your joy is to give me a black eye.
You find pleasure in my cry,
And love to see me slowly die.
You hit me fierce & hard,
And said I made you mad.
You kick me around like a ball,
Pushed me hard against the wall.
You enjoy treating me bad,
You are happy seeing me sad.
You are the enemy of my soul,
And to destroy me is your goal.
You beat me up blue/black,
But now its time to fight back.
I swear to God!
I’ll fight till the last drop of my blood.
I have had enough,
And now, you tick me off.
I’m not scared of you animal.
You are nothing but a criminal.
You deviously stole my soul,
But now I’ve been made whole,
And everything you have stolen from me,
I’m gonna fight back to take it all back!
© DK, December09
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