From heaven to earth he was sent,
To give sight to a world that was blind.
All the way to the cross he went,
Just that he might save all mankind.
On his head rested the weight of the world,
On his shoulder laid the sins of the world,
On his head was a crown made of thorns,
And on his shoulder was that heavy cross.
Taking the mockery and the shame,
That we might be called by his name.
Enduring the brutal whipping and the pain,
That we might have everlasting life to gain.
He gave his own life as a sacrifice,
Used his own blood to pay the price,
Cried out in agony and tears in his eyes,
He even watched his beloved deny him thrice.
They spat on him and hit him in the face,
While making his way to his crucifixion place.
On getting there, they thrust a spear in his side,
Then watched him hang on the cross and died.
He died, but that wasn’t his end,
It was the gates of hell he went to rend,
And the keys to the grave he went to seize,
Triumphing over death with ease.
Innocent, yet he was punished,
And finally he said it was finished.
Blameless, yet he was killed,
Making millions now Sprit-filled.
He was dead, but now he has risen,
And that is the reason for this season.
He has finally risen to die no more,
And right now he reigns forevermore.
Oh! What a wonderful love story?
That he left his majestic throne and glory,
To die just to give mortal man the victory,
Displaying the greatest love in history.
Happy Easter!
© DK, March 2010
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