As a kid, I never wanted to sleep alone,
Once again it’s happening to me now that I’m fully grown.
Just like I couldn’t sleep without Mom’s tender care,
I can’t seem to sleep alone without you being there.
Then, if I had nightmares Mom tells me to call JESUS!
But now from my dreams, the name I call is yours.
You have turned me into such a big baby,
That I can’t get sleep without your good night kiss.
It’s now I truly understand why you call me your baby.
I feel like you have brought out the worst in me.
I remember I used to be a really good boy,
But that good reputation you would destroy,
By constantly making my sex drive erupt,
And by making my once innocent mind corrupt.
You have become my little god and my fantasy,
Instead of going to church, It’s you I go to see.
True confession… The most dominant thought in my head,
Is what I’d do to you next time I take you to my bed.
It’s like you have brought out the beast in me,
And consequently the worst in me.
I can’t concentrate on my job, you got me all messed up,
I keep thinking about you; just can’t make myself stop,
And this distraction has started getting me in trouble,
That a professional like me is beginning to constantly fumble.
This love thing is so insane; It’s really driving me crazy,
I go on your Facebook page when I should be keeping busy,
I rush out of work just to meet you before closing time,
Because of you, I have started committing workplace crime.
One thing you should know is that my boss will never forgive you,
For bringing out the very worst in me.
© DK, May 2010
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