I am a city set on a hill,
That can’t be concealed.
My prayers have been sealed,
My hungry heart has been filled,
And my fingers have been skilled.
Prophesies in my life are being fulfilled,
And now, I have become so relevant,
Making big impacts like an elephant.
I have been called and appointed,
With oil, my head has been anointed.
I’m an eternal Excellency to nations,
And the joy of many generations.
I am the light of the world,
Not my words, but so says the Word.
Right now, I am living a victorious life!
Lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,
Favour and I hang out on a daily basis.
Goodness and mercy continually follow me,
Sickness and pain defeated below me.
Of a truth, I’m abundantly blessed,
With glory and honour I’ve been dressed.
Smiles have taken over my lovely face,
And I’m blossoming in extravagant grace.
No more worries, No more tears,
No more pressure, No more fears.
Every single day of my life,
I find peace and not strife.
Blessed going out and coming in,
Blessing in the night and the morning.
This is what I call victorious living!
© DK, August 2010
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