Just like the prodigal son that walked away,
And returned to his father empty.
I am returning to you again today,
As one who is remorseful and guilty.
Knowing I have nothing justifiable to say,
As I kneel before you broken, filthy and dirty.
I heard your voice telling to come back,
I refused then, but now I’m back, coz I lack.
I realize that without you I have no hope,
That is why I have come back home.
Just like that lost sheep,
I wandered away from your tender care,
To be lashed by life with a long whip,
In a wilderness of wild animals and scare.
I regretted ever walking away from you,
And I longed to find my way back to you.
I craved to return to my former place,
Where I once felt your love and embrace.
Right there and then, I heard that your lovely voice.
You found me and brought me back home to rejoice.
I am now a new and transformed person.
I have returned and learnt my lesson.
Therefore, I vow that now that I’m here,
Never again will I be going anywhere.
I am a testimony of one once gone astray,
But Thank God, I’m now back home to stay.
I am the story of one who was once lost,
But glory be to God that I have been found.
After been away from home for so long,
I’m so glad to be back home, where I belong.
© DK, September 2010.
The Love of God....is sure ..thnk you Jesus