There will never be passion,
When there is no competition,
There will not be a true Champion
Where there is no able challenger
There will be no excitement,
When you keep winning all the time.
Winning puffs and makes arrogant,
But losing deflates the elephant.
Till the elephant becomes like an ant,
Hiding in holes and planning strategies,
Finding mates, learning how to survive,
And realizing what it feels like to be small,
Better deflated than exploding with a burst,
The ant now grows back into the elephant,
Only this time a much better elephant,
Who has learned what it takes to be lowly.
The winning days represent the elephant,
While the losses represents the little ant.
Sometimes you win,
Sometimes you don't.
Although winning is important,
It means nothing without losing.
For the value of winning is in losing,
And the beauty of losing is winning.
Therefore, Its not all about winning,
You could seeminly have won, but yet lost
And you could have lost, but yet won.
The true winner is he who gets better.
Whenever you win, be sure to enjoy it,
And when you lose, try to learn from it.
But know that life is not only wins or losses,
They both work together to teach us lessons.
(c) DK, October 2011
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