My Pastor says practise what you preach,
My father says act what you teach.
But I guess you were not taught that,
Or maybe you just decided to be a brat.
You open your mouth and say something,
Then you turn around & do another thing.
Your words should be in line with your actions,
Instead you keep giving contradicting reactions.
Your behaviour just keeps confusing me,
Because what I hear is not what I see.
You say you are not falling for me,
Yet you can’t go a minute without for calling me.
You insist that I’m definitely not your type,
Yet you can’t go a day without messaging me on Skype.
You told me you can’t become my own,
But late into the night you call my phone.
You say I don’t have a game,
Yet, you can’t stop calling my name.
It’s like you are trying to get my mind screwed up,
Like you are only trying to get my head messed up.
Anytime you see me, your face glows,
You think I don’t know, but it shows.
I know you really want me,
You just don’t want to admit it.
I know you always dream about me,
You don’t just want to believe it.
I know you are in love with me,
You just don’t know how to say it.
I will advise you to stop saying what is not,
And just admit that you like me a lot.
© DK, Feb 2010
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