Monday, December 6, 2010
Myself versus Love
I hate being alone,
But, I love my personal space.
I don’t like answering my phone,
Yet, loneliness is written on my face.
I like to be me & do things on my own,
And still, I don’t wanna be all alone.
My laptop is my companion,
TV has become my best friend,
Coz it stays quiet until I turn it on,
And stops when I want the talking to end.
I simply get to control it & take dominion,
With no apologies: No hard feelings.
This is the major issue with me:
I want to be happy, but also be free.
Routines end up getting to bore me,
Coz I’m as random as I could ever be.
I like to explore the new things I see,
Spontaneous; not a freak, that’s me.
I wanna know how it feels to be in love,
But I just don’t know if I can sacrifice.
I wanna sell my heart in the name of love,
But I’m not sure if anyone can pay the price.
I wanna be myself & I also wanna be in love,
But it seems impossible, that’s why my heart cries.
It is like being hungry & full, all at once.
Like crying & laughing at the same time.
A part of me tells me I want somebody,
But the other part of me says I need nobody,
Coz my happiness shouldn’t depend on anybody,
And now, I don’t know what I want anymore.
© DK, Nov 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Like a Chameleon
There is nothing I see now that won’t vanish,
Nothing I eat that won’t finish.
All the problems I have today,
Will one day surely pass away.
The pain I’m presently going through,
And the cut I got from the spear life threw,
Are definitely not going to last forever,
It won’t keep flowing like a river.
I know it sure has an expiry date,
That will usher in a change in fate.
They say every good thing comes to an end,
That’s why I cherish every good time I spend.
Seeing how a day ends up becoming a night,
And how darkness takes over from sunlight.
Not that the moon overcame the sun in a fight,
It’s just that each of them has its own time.
Everything in this imperfect world changes,
Just like the sun & moon agreeably exchanges.
Teaching that nothing in this life is permanent,
And that change in this present life is imminent.
Times & seasons do change,
And people also change with time.
Feelings & emotions do change,
But he makes all beautiful in his time.
Each day comes with a great challenge,
Wondering what will be the next to change.
That is probably why the earth is spherical,
So it can easily roll around which ever way.
Therefore, never trust a very good day,
For it could change like a Chameleon.
© DK, October 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Beauty to Beast
They said she was once like Jesus,
That she was gentle, meek and mild.
But now she's a terror to all of us,
As she’s gone extremely wild.
Getting her to talk then was by force,
What has happened to that quiet child?
Suddenly she has become a wild beast,
Like a ferocious beast from the east.
She uses human hearts for a feast,
Devours them from the greatest to the least,
And uses all their tears for her drink,
With pleasure like a boy skating on a rink.
There is intensity in her eyes,
That no one could behold.
Fire comes out of her mouth,
A fire that scares even the bold.
In her presence, even the soldier trembles,
As the steel in his heart utterly crumbles.
Like a remote, she controls men,
Make them shiver like they caught a cold.
Approaching her is like walking into a lion’s den,
They shake like babies although they are old.
She dominates with a tender but yet strong fist,
Her intimidating beauty turned her into a beast.
But as for me, I’m a different kind of man,
I tame the so called beast because I can!
She isn’t a beast to me: she’s a Beauty.
She’s my soft spoken Angel, so pretty.
But if you come too close to my Beauty,
I’ll make my Beauty turn into a beast.
© DK, October 2010
I am a Student
I am a student,
And life is my classroom.
My experiences are my teachers,
And my friends are my classmates.
My mind is the blackboard,
My heart is my note book.
The word is my text book,
And my prayer is my ruler.
My mistakes are my sharpeners,
And my good deeds are my pencils.
The skin I have on me is my uniform,
My challenges are my examinations,
My failures are my home work,
My successes are my promotions,
And God is the able school principal.
As long as I remain in this mortal flesh,
And breathe this nasty air some call fresh,
I will! Yes, I will always remain a student,
For my skin is the uniform that qualifies me.
So as long as I live, I’ll open myself up to learn,
Just like I did as a little boy in that classroom.
I’m seated, focused with my notebook & pen,
That I might have the best of grades to earn,
Knowing that failure to learn ends in doom.
Just like my long 30cm ruler back in the day,
My prayers straighten up my life’s pathway.
My experiences & mistakes makes me wiser,
And their corrections make my life even nicer.
Therefore, I will keep working tirelessly hard,
Like the good student I have been called to be.
© DK, October 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Why Why Why?
Father can you still hear me?
Are you there, can you still see?
For months I have been praying,
Yet nothing has been happening.
If only I have faith & believe,
You said I will ask & receive.
Is that a lie, I’m I being deceived?
Coz I have asked & have not received.
I thought you said you could do all things,
Why haven’t you done mine, is it my sins?
I cried to you mornings, afternoons & nights,
Can’t you see my tears from heaven’s heights?
Sorrow has become the meal I eat every day,
Tears have turned into the water I drink daily.
Why don’t you answer my prayers… why?
Child, it hurts me to see you cry,
I hear your voice over & over again,
In agony asking me, why… why… why?
Why I have left you with so much pain,
And doubting if my word is true or a lie.
But listen child; here is the truth of it all,
I’m not deaf, I hear you every time you call,
And I always speak to you right there,
But you are far too impatient to hear,
And listen to what I had to say to you.
How can I take control of your situation,
When you have refused to give me the space to?
Now all you need to do is to trust me & let go.
Just step aside & stay out of my way,
Then stand still to see my salvation this day.
© DK, September 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Back Home
Just like the prodigal son that walked away,
And returned to his father empty.
I am returning to you again today,
As one who is remorseful and guilty.
Knowing I have nothing justifiable to say,
As I kneel before you broken, filthy and dirty.
I heard your voice telling to come back,
I refused then, but now I’m back, coz I lack.
I realize that without you I have no hope,
That is why I have come back home.
Just like that lost sheep,
I wandered away from your tender care,
To be lashed by life with a long whip,
In a wilderness of wild animals and scare.
I regretted ever walking away from you,
And I longed to find my way back to you.
I craved to return to my former place,
Where I once felt your love and embrace.
Right there and then, I heard that your lovely voice.
You found me and brought me back home to rejoice.
I am now a new and transformed person.
I have returned and learnt my lesson.
Therefore, I vow that now that I’m here,
Never again will I be going anywhere.
I am a testimony of one once gone astray,
But Thank God, I’m now back home to stay.
I am the story of one who was once lost,
But glory be to God that I have been found.
After been away from home for so long,
I’m so glad to be back home, where I belong.
© DK, September 2010.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
My Twin
Even if I fall a seventh time,
Like the previous six, I’d still rise,
For I believe my falling isn’t a crime,
But I choose to see it as a little price,
A small price of the value of a dime,
And an opportunity creating sacrifice.
For as long as I don’t stay down but rise,
I know that I’d see success with my eyes.
Although the road is rough and tough,
Discouragement will never be enough,
To stop me from getting to my dream,
Even if it means me going the extreme.
I have no fear; I will surely get there,
The vision is clear, the destination is near.
There is no stopping me right now,
This is not mere words, it’s a vow.
NO! I will never give up,
I said NO! I will not even stop,
Until I make may way to the very top,
I prepared myself before now so I won’t flop,
As I move bravely on my way success-bound,
And step boldly, matching up to a higher ground,
As a soldier hoping to return with a victory sound.
I am determined and I set my eyes on the goal,
Even if to get there, I’d have to walk on hot coal,
I’d do it, not thinking about the hurting pain,
But instead, I’d be focused on the priceless gain.
Excelling in life is what is constantly on my mind,
And a man without vision is who they call blind.
Success and I, Put the walls of Jericho in-between,
I will still scale it over, just to reunite with my twin,
For my twin’s name is… S U C C E S S!
© DK, September 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Jealous Lover
Got my mouth opened wide,
I can’t believe she had lied,
The one I chose to be my bride.
My heart broke and I quietly cried,
As I saw them seated side by side.
My emotions failed, even as much as I tried,
But the redness of my eyes I could not hide,
Although I had already gotten the tears dried.
How I’m I sure she isn’t taking me for a ride?
And how I’m I supposed to let this slide?
Look at them having so much fun,
Under the nice shade while it’s yet sunny,
I’m hiding here spying; getting burnt in the sun,
And watching them laugh together; this ain’t funny!
What in the world could they have been talking about?
I thought she said he was an old friend taking her out?
I’m gonna be right here waiting until they are done,
I seriously would have shot this criminal if I had gun.
I’m so upset; I can’t just wait for her to return,
And explain what that crook has been saying to Her.
I agree I’m a jealous lover, but It’s because I love her.
That’s why I won’t allow any other guy near her.
Who knows what the dude has on his corrupt mind,
Yet my Baby insists that he is innocent and kind.
Are you kidding me? “Innocent and Kind” my foot!
I’d take care of this once and for all from its root.
Look at his eyes; I think he loves my girl,
Hear the way he talks to her; can’t you tell?
Don’t come near my girl again if you love your mother,
Coz you don’t wanna mess with a jealous lover.
© DK, August 2010.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Victorious Living
I am a city set on a hill,
That can’t be concealed.
My prayers have been sealed,
My hungry heart has been filled,
And my fingers have been skilled.
Prophesies in my life are being fulfilled,
And now, I have become so relevant,
Making big impacts like an elephant.
I have been called and appointed,
With oil, my head has been anointed.
I’m an eternal Excellency to nations,
And the joy of many generations.
I am the light of the world,
Not my words, but so says the Word.
Right now, I am living a victorious life!
Lines have fallen for me in pleasant places,
Favour and I hang out on a daily basis.
Goodness and mercy continually follow me,
Sickness and pain defeated below me.
Of a truth, I’m abundantly blessed,
With glory and honour I’ve been dressed.
Smiles have taken over my lovely face,
And I’m blossoming in extravagant grace.
No more worries, No more tears,
No more pressure, No more fears.
Every single day of my life,
I find peace and not strife.
Blessed going out and coming in,
Blessing in the night and the morning.
This is what I call victorious living!
© DK, August 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
A Note to My Friend
You are my friend,
I cherish every time we spend.
Those times you made me smile,
When I would have been crying,
The times you went the extra mile,
To help me while I was secretly dying.
You were there when times were hard,
You stood behind me like my body guard,
And you’re constantly making sure I’m well.
Beyond a friend, You’re my guardian Angel.
You are my friend,
Thanks for the hand you always lend.
In helping me carry my heavy load,
As I tread the hard and lonely road.
You have been my lean-on shoulder,
And an amazing happiness key holder.
Although, at times we disagree and argue,
But I’ll admit that I can’t do without you.
Without you, every other thing seem odd,
You’re more than a friend, You’re my blood.
You are my friend,
I pray our friendship will never end.
Our paths have been divinely interwoven,
Joined together by God himself from Heaven.
Our feet have been set on the same course,
And together we walk in the strength of a horse,
To help each other get to the destination alive.
We have come far, but I still need you to survive.
You are the friend that is closer than a brother,
Please stay with me and be my best friend forever.
© DK, August 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
I flow endlessly like a river,
Raise temperatures like a fever.
With ease, I break down the strong,
And prove the so called smart wrong.
I confuse both the simple & the wise.
I catch the stone hearted by surprise.
I can make a full grown man cry,
And I can also wipe his tears dry.
I can’t be curbed nor confined,
And I’m difficult to be defined.
I set hearts up on a blazing fire,
Charge bodies like electric wire.
Like a shinning star, I glow,
I can’t hide it, I make it show,
Just like light does to darkness,
I displace loneliness & sadness.
I bring smiles to sad faces,
Smiles none other displaces.
I unsettle hearts like a storm,
And make a cold heart warm.
I am the craving a woman has within,
The feeling she always prays will never end.
I always get to find my way in,
In ways no man can comprehend.
I can’t be controlled by strength,
Can’t be measured in breath & length.
I have no limits, no boundaries,
I keep on going until… infinity.
I remain unexplainable till eternity.
What would you say I am?
© DK, June 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Battle in My Mind
Dang! Is that an Angel or human I see?
Question on my mind is “Who is She?”
And how wonderful it would be,
If I talk to her and she doesn’t disagree,
To go on a date with me over coffee or tea,
Without thinking “Who the heck is he?”
And doing something to embarrass me.
Maybe she will listen to my plea,
If I told her I’ll do it on my knee.
All for her just to agree.
Oh Snap! She’s walking away.
No guarantee I’ll see her another day,
I’ve got to do something about it today,
So I don’t make the same mistake as yesterday.
Just look at the way the Angel walks,
Aww… I’m definitely gonna have to stalk,
I can’t seem to take my eyes off her booty,
Especially with the way she’s rolling it 360.
That backside has got me hooked, I can’t lie,
Can’t get it off my mind no matter how hard I try.
NO! This time I won’t be a coward,
But then I don’t wanna appear too forward.
My chance decreases with each step she takes,
My hope diminishes with each move she makes,
My heart pops each time that booty shakes.
I know I won’t forgive myself if I let her go,
But how do I make my confidence to grow,
So I could walk up to her and let her know?
I approached her confidently & she turned around,
All of a sudden I became dumb.
© DK, July 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Where Were You?
Where were you, when I was alone in the wilderness,
When I learned obedience by the things I suffered?
Where were you, while I was standing in darkness,
Developing my sight sense when no light was offered?
Where were you, when I was lost in the midst of the sea,
When the sky was foggy & my destination I couldn’t see?
Where were you, while I was picking stones to keep myself busy,
And cooking them, hoping that one day, they’ll turn soft & easy?
Where were you, while I was on my knees crawling,
Building my bones strong that one day I’d be running?
Where were you while I was hungry and had no food,
When I had to cover myself with leaves, so I’d not be nude?
Where were you, when I was very close to being defeated,
And was crying for help in fighting the battle of the fittest?
Where were you when I was failing despite my best effort,
When I was totally broken and crying with no comfort?
Can I please get an answer, Where were you?
When I was pouring water ahead, you weren’t around,
Now you wonder how I get to step on a cool ground.
While I was cooking the yam in the pot, you didn’t hear,
Now pounding for a nice meal, you ask “what’s happening here?”
When I was burnt out & depressed, you weren’t there,
Now that I’m strong & independent, you suddenly care.
You weren’t there when life seemed to me like a mystery,
Now you wanna put me through after it’s become history.
You weren’t there when the battle was fierce and heated,
Now you teach strategies after the enemy has been defeated.
You weren’t there when I fainted and needed to be revived,
Now you bring me water, long after I have already survived.
You never knew what it took to write this victory story,
Yet you feel you should be the one to take all the glory.
But the truth of the matter is that I actually wasn’t alone,
Because my God was right there with me all along.
While God was here working, where were you?
© DK, July 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Suits Perfectly
As comfortable as my Umbro shoes,
Which is not too tight nor too loose.
The shoes that cost me hundreds of pounds,
That gives me the confidence & the bounce.
The shoes in which I walk the extra mile,
And still go even further with a smile.
Magic shoes that makes my life easy,
And supplements for me when I’m lazy.
This Angel of mine suits so perfectly,
Just like my pair of Umbro shoes.
As adorable as my beautiful hat,
So is that your wonderful heart.
Just like that hat, you cover me,
Giving me an edge over my enemy.
On my head, you are a crown of glory,
The inspiration behind my success story.
You are like a red hat with a feather,
Combining honour & glory together.
This Lover of mine suits so perfectly,
Just like my beautiful & precious hat.
Like my new designer tuxedo suit,
You make me look really nice & cute.
Like the glamorous & perfect gentleman,
Got me feeling influential like a powerful man.
In beautifying me, you also cover up my crooked skin,
And compliment my more venerable beauty from within.
Like my suit you keep me warm, even when it’s cold,
Make me feel so good about myself and very bold.
You my Sweetheart suits even more perfectly,
Than my fitted designer tuxedo suit.
© DK, July 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
True African Man
Lost in civilization & cultural transition,
Lost the good old values & rich tradition,
Trying to blend into the modern society,
A society that has lost its sense of dignity,
Where men have lost their position & authority,
Sold their birthright along with their integrity,
Throwing morals out through the windows,
And decided to start chasing after shadows.
Despite growing up on a rich, healthy culture,
They chose to feed on the unhealthy like vulture,
A lost and confused generation you would agree.
Unlike those confused ones out there you see,
That has no clue of whom they are supposed be.
I am proud to say I know exactly who I am…
I am a strong and true African Man.
I was explicitly taught the right from wrong,
The beating I got in the process made me strong.
I was never grounded or given time-out,
The chastisement I got drove the devil in me out.
I wasn’t brought up by just two parents,
Coz elders disciplined me everywhere I went,
Which makes me this admirable man today,
And I still enjoy its benefits from day to day,
A training that I would never throw away.
I was taught to respect and help my elders,
To care not only for myself, but also for others.
You won’t find me sagging like the brothers,
Coz, I’m a real man that takes responsibility,
Nurturing my woman & increasing her ability,
Just like the true African Man.
© DK, July 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Beauty I have always heard,
Is in the eyes of the beholder.
There is no general rule to it,
No universal law guiding it.
It has no definite description,
It has no accurate depiction,
To some people a person is hot,
And to others same person is not.
Beauty is what you think it is,
Beauty is whatever you call it.
Beauty they say comes from within,
From a person’s innermost being.
It can make one a beauty Queen,
Or make one the monkey’s twin.
Beauty is not that cute face you see,
Nor that sexy figure you aspired to be.
Beauty is the product of a sweet heart,
That attracts everything along its part.
Good looks are great, but they are temporal.
Beauty is better, coz Beauty is evergreen.
I am so blessed to have found Beauty,
Coz Beauty has made my life beautiful.
YES! I have met Beauty in person,
And Beauty has being a blessing.
I have gotten know Beauty by her name,
And since then I’ve not been the same.
English says beauty is the opposite of ugly,
But I say that, Beauty is dark and lovely,
Beauty is my black African Queen,
And this is true; Beauty is YOU.
© DK, January 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
You Brought Out the Worst in Me
As a kid, I never wanted to sleep alone,
Once again it’s happening to me now that I’m fully grown.
Just like I couldn’t sleep without Mom’s tender care,
I can’t seem to sleep alone without you being there.
Then, if I had nightmares Mom tells me to call JESUS!
But now from my dreams, the name I call is yours.
You have turned me into such a big baby,
That I can’t get sleep without your good night kiss.
It’s now I truly understand why you call me your baby.
I feel like you have brought out the worst in me.
I remember I used to be a really good boy,
But that good reputation you would destroy,
By constantly making my sex drive erupt,
And by making my once innocent mind corrupt.
You have become my little god and my fantasy,
Instead of going to church, It’s you I go to see.
True confession… The most dominant thought in my head,
Is what I’d do to you next time I take you to my bed.
It’s like you have brought out the beast in me,
And consequently the worst in me.
I can’t concentrate on my job, you got me all messed up,
I keep thinking about you; just can’t make myself stop,
And this distraction has started getting me in trouble,
That a professional like me is beginning to constantly fumble.
This love thing is so insane; It’s really driving me crazy,
I go on your Facebook page when I should be keeping busy,
I rush out of work just to meet you before closing time,
Because of you, I have started committing workplace crime.
One thing you should know is that my boss will never forgive you,
For bringing out the very worst in me.
© DK, May 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
World’s Solution
M.L King Jr. said he had a dream,
Guess what! I do too, just like him.
I have a universal answer for every nation,
And the solution for this current generation.
I’m not only here to create an impression,
I’m also here to make a needed correction.
What I have is a revolutionary vision,
And this is a world’s restoration mission.
In a world that love has turned into a mirage,
And arsenals capacities are being enlarged.
At a difficult time and season such as this,
It is crucial to realize how important love is.
Love is divine and powerful,
It is a feeling that is so wonderful.
Love is what makes life beautiful,
And makes our living meaningful.
Love is real and it heals,
It heals better than medicinal pills.
Love is a medicine for the soul,
It cures and makes whole.
Love is the greatest gift of all,
A nation without love is heading for a fall.
The power of love can break any limiting wall,
And with love, any nation can stand tall.
Now look down deep into your heart,
You will find love somewhere in there.
Hatred does nothing than to tear apart,
So let’s love one another without fear.
After searching high and low,
I have finally come to know,
That the solution for the whole world,
Is only as simple as the four letter word…
L O V E !
© DK, Feb 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Authentic Package
She is the real deal,
An original package with a seal,
Still wrapped up in a plastic bag,
That has the authenticity tag.
She is straight from the source,
Perfectly made and set on course.
She comes with a lifetime warranty,
And a proven satisfaction guarantee.
She is the product you’ll love to have,
But sorry this one has my name written all over it.
I am that scarce genuine package,
That brand new legitimate image.
I am the authentic standard chosen,
Just like Wendy’s: fresh and never frozen.
Uncontaminated, pure and super neat,
Brand new; never tampered with.
A product glowing in mint condition,
In an immaculate state of perfection.
I am that product you all wish you had,
But sorry, you all don’t deserve this package.
Birds of a feather they say flock together,
That’s why it’s both of us that should be together.
She knows just what it takes to keep this package,
Coz she knows how it feels like to be the package.
You would not wanna dress up a pig with a jewel,
Because a pig can’t just value that gemstone well.
We both deserve nothing but the very best,
And that best can’t be found in any of the rest.
The best I’m talking about is only in you and I,
That’s because we are the authentic package.
© DK, April 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Fear & Mistakes
I have always nurtured a fear,
A fear that I now wish to share,
Share with anyone who will care,
And help me with this burden I bare.
I scream that someone might hear,
Coz I can’t just fold my arms and stare.
I am so scared of making mistakes,
And a mediocre is what that makes.
The reason my decisions take long,
Is the fear of getting things wrong.
But then it is always better to try,
Than not to try at all and then cry.
Mistakes are not instruments of failure,
But tools with which to build success.
A mistake is like a teacher,
It makes one wiser and better.
Mistakes are simply inevitable,
But they make one accountable.
Fear does nothing good but to limit,
It Limits and condemns one to defeat.
Fear does nothing than to minimize,
To minimize the potentials meant to rise.
Fear is like an isolating prison or cage,
That keeps its host locked in bondage.
Fear only cripples your decision,
But indecision is also a decision.
Being fearful isn’t being careful.
Instead trust in the Lord and be prayerful.
Knowing that even when things go wrong,
They are still working together for good.
© DK, October 09
Monday, April 26, 2010
Love is a Virus
My heart blows up like it’s gonna burst,
It beats fast like a runner trying to come first,
It rapidly expands and retracts,
This heart of mine is no more intact.
I’m talking about a heart that was once strong,
I just can’t stop wondering what went wrong.
A once durable heart regardless of emotional load,
Now so fragile and often feels like it would explode.
What has gone wrong with my precious heart,
That it has suddenly fallen apart?
My mind halts and I wonder the cause,
It’s like a remote control was used to push pause.
Leaving just that single thought in my head,
Ruining my appetite that I can’t even eat my bread.
My once broad mind has suddenly been confined,
Thinking in just one direction like a shallow mind.
I have totally lost my mind; I think I’m going insane,
And the fact that I can’t control it causes me more pain.
What has happened to my once sound mind,
That it has degenerated to this weak kind?
Now with a defective heart and mind, what is left for me?
I’m so scared, is this how it will continue to be?
I’m trying to figure out what happened and how it began,
As I watch myself reduced to this gutless man.
With this fragile heart, halted mind and stolen soul,
I started wondering what I could do to be made whole,
Until I realised it all started when you came into my life.
Choosing to love you was like injecting a virus into my system,
And now this is what that love virus has turned me into,
Making me conclude that love is a virus.
© DK, April 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Irony of Life
There is something special about today’s date,
It’s my birthday and I’m pumped up to celebrate.
To me today is the best day of the year,
But wait a minute, what is that sound I hear?
I saw a black limousine with other cars at the back,
And many people looking sad, all in black.
Here I am excited on my birthday morning,
And there they are in deep sorrow, mourning!
It’s the best day of my life because it’s my birthday,
But for them I’m sure it’s the opposite they’ll say.
I remember once receiving a phone call at midnight,
The Caller said good day & I thought… that isn’t right.
How could one say good day at midnight, I started to wonder,
Until it occurred to me to me that It’s because I’m in Canada,
And my caller was calling me from Malaysia in Asia.
It was noon there because they were 12hours ahead,
But here it’s midnight and I am sleeping in my bed.
Wait! Does that mean when they say Happy New Year,
I would still be hoping and praying to make the New Year?
What an Irony, What a Life?
Now I believe that old wise saying,
That what faces one person, backs the other.
Joy & sorrow, tears & laughter, peace & strife.
The good and the bad, that’s what makes up life.
Which ever phase of life you are going through,
Just be strong, positive, trust God and stay true.
Remember when you are happy that someone is sad,
When you are feeling good, someone is feeling bad.
Whenever you experience any of these things again,
Just call it the Irony of Life.
© dk… August 2009
Monday, April 12, 2010
My Prayer
Fill my cup,
Fill it to the top,
Please don’t stop,
If it overflows, I’ll mop,
As long as my cup it is filled up.
It is my heart desire,
That you add oil to my fire,
So it can blow bigger & higher,
Such that others can acquire,
And connect like electric wire.
Satisfy my hungry soul,
Like a tasty soup bowl.
Like water, quench my thirsty soul,
And restore all the enemy stole,
So that I could be made whole.
Anoint my head with fresh oil,
Let me find it easy while others toil,
Let my heart be at rest while others boil,
Let my mind be at peace even in turmoil,
And let me blossom like a plant on good soil.
Touch my hands & make them blessed,
Blessed! That’s how I want to be addressed,
Gladden my heart so I won’t be depressed,
Calm my mind so I won’t be stressed,
And empower me so I won’t be oppressed.
Now to you all my cares I lay,
Please hear me as I humbly pray,
I pray that you guide me each day,
So that I will never miss my way,
And be led by the Devil astray.
This is my prayer!
© DK, April 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Greatest Love in History
From heaven to earth he was sent,
To give sight to a world that was blind.
All the way to the cross he went,
Just that he might save all mankind.
On his head rested the weight of the world,
On his shoulder laid the sins of the world,
On his head was a crown made of thorns,
And on his shoulder was that heavy cross.
Taking the mockery and the shame,
That we might be called by his name.
Enduring the brutal whipping and the pain,
That we might have everlasting life to gain.
He gave his own life as a sacrifice,
Used his own blood to pay the price,
Cried out in agony and tears in his eyes,
He even watched his beloved deny him thrice.
They spat on him and hit him in the face,
While making his way to his crucifixion place.
On getting there, they thrust a spear in his side,
Then watched him hang on the cross and died.
He died, but that wasn’t his end,
It was the gates of hell he went to rend,
And the keys to the grave he went to seize,
Triumphing over death with ease.
Innocent, yet he was punished,
And finally he said it was finished.
Blameless, yet he was killed,
Making millions now Sprit-filled.
He was dead, but now he has risen,
And that is the reason for this season.
He has finally risen to die no more,
And right now he reigns forevermore.
Oh! What a wonderful love story?
That he left his majestic throne and glory,
To die just to give mortal man the victory,
Displaying the greatest love in history.
Happy Easter!
© DK, March 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Where comes wisdom?
And where is the place of understanding? (Job 28:20)
This was an answer JOB was seeking to find.
And also a question on many people's mind.
Is it inherited, developed or simply a gift?
Is it only the ability to make good calls & avoid rift?
Is it simply out-smarting the other person?
Or devising evil to teach offenders a lesson?
Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge,
It is the principal thing in life (Prov. 4:7)
You grow and develop in it, even Jesus had to, (Luke 2:52),
In order to be able to rightly preach the kingdom.
Knowledge tells you fire consumes anything it contacts,
Wisdom tells you not to put your hands into it.
Wisdom is a tree of life to those who have it (Prov. 3:18)
And a crown of glory to them that seek it (Prov. 4:9)
Wisdom isn't hiding as it often portrayed,
It cries on the streets and public places seeking people (Prov. 1:20).
Wisdom is given by God (Prov. 2:6),
And whoever lacks wisdom should ask from God (James 1:5).
Wisdom is always profitable to direct (Ecc. 10:10),
It requires less strength and struggles to that effect.
Whoever walks with the wise would get wise (Prov. 3:20),
Remember Jesus in the temple with the doctors, teachers and the wise.
The answer is easier than what you had expected,
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7)
And wisdom is the fear of God (Job 28:28)
It's so ironic that wisdom seeks man,
Yet man still goes around in search for wisdom.
The following is what God's wisdom displays (James 3:17)
Purity, Gentility, Impartiality, Peace, Mercy, Approachability.
Here is the true wisdom we should get.
(c) DK... March2009
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Mind Games
An old crush said I should have told her how I felt,
That made me feel like whipping myself with a belt.
I blamed myself and just couldn’t forgive myself,
Because she said she felt the same way herself.
My question is, did she actually feel the same way,
Or is she just looking for a mind game to play?
Would she have reacted positively like she said,
Or was she just trying to mess with my head?
If she knew, she would have eventually said NO,
Why did she insist I should have made her know?
Is it just for the pleasure of hearing me flow,
Or is she just trying to make her self-esteem grow?
Playing with my emotions isn’t just right,
That is injustice at its highest height,
Toying with my feelings is just so wrong,
My heart sure doesn’t look like ping pong.
Why not let your No be No, and Yes be Yes,
And Stop playing me like a game of chess.
In my own rights, I deserve some respect,
Because I love you doesn’t make me your subject.
What you show is not only an act of immaturity,
It is a show of your ignorance and insecurity.
It is better you learn how to grow up,
Than messing my affectionate mind up.
What made me so stupid to have told you my mind,
Could it have been love that made me that blind?
With you I’ve always been sweet, gentle and kind,
Looking for love, now its shame and regrets I find.
But remember what goes around comes back around,
Don’t cry when you turn the victim next time around.
You will surely pay for all the damage you’ve done to me,
And to think of it, someone like you doesn’t deserve me.
© DK, October 2009
Monday, March 15, 2010
The Fire
You are the oil that keeps my fire burning,
The gas that keeps my engine running,
The engine that keeps my wheels turning,
And the sun that turns my night into morning.
You are the inscription on my heart,
The description of my complete part.
You are the only picture on my mind,
Because I have set it on auto rewind.
You are the button that turns me on,
You empower me like a loaded gun,
You are the reason why I was born,
The reason why my mother bore a son.
You brighten my life like the sun,
Replaced my depression with fun.
You give me a vision of a sweet future,
That makes me want God to delay rapture.
You put a smile on my lovely face,
Stand strong behind me like a brace.
You give my wandering heart a resting place,
With your sweet kiss and warm embrace.
You give me a reason to wanna live,
Coz I see both of us like Adam and Eve,
Who were created specially for each other,
And were made just to love one another.
Whenever I close my eyes it’s you I see,
Even in my dreams, there you’ll still be.
Your love has completely captured me,
And I don’t even want anyone to set me free.
Our souls have been connected,
Our hearts have been united,
The fire has been ignited,
Lighted to burn forevermore.
© DK, March 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Conflicting Reports
My Pastor says practise what you preach,
My father says act what you teach.
But I guess you were not taught that,
Or maybe you just decided to be a brat.
You open your mouth and say something,
Then you turn around & do another thing.
Your words should be in line with your actions,
Instead you keep giving contradicting reactions.
Your behaviour just keeps confusing me,
Because what I hear is not what I see.
You say you are not falling for me,
Yet you can’t go a minute without for calling me.
You insist that I’m definitely not your type,
Yet you can’t go a day without messaging me on Skype.
You told me you can’t become my own,
But late into the night you call my phone.
You say I don’t have a game,
Yet, you can’t stop calling my name.
It’s like you are trying to get my mind screwed up,
Like you are only trying to get my head messed up.
Anytime you see me, your face glows,
You think I don’t know, but it shows.
I know you really want me,
You just don’t want to admit it.
I know you always dream about me,
You don’t just want to believe it.
I know you are in love with me,
You just don’t know how to say it.
I will advise you to stop saying what is not,
And just admit that you like me a lot.
© DK, Feb 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Dark Night into Bright Light
Dazed like one hit by a moving train,
Shivering like one drenched in rain,
Trembling like one about to be slain,
Confusion is taking over my brain,
My dreams are drifting away,
My hopes are fading day after day,
My course is leading astray,
My aspirations turning into child’s play,
No good testimony in my mouth to say,
Despite the fact that I always pray.
My heart is crying,
The tears aren’t drying.
My soul is dying,
Degenerating, despite me trying.
My bones are weak,
My blood pressure is at its peak,
My body feels terribly sick,
Not enough energy to speak,
And my vision is going bleak.
Restoration I desperately seek!
Despite how discouraging it feels,
I will lift up my eyes to the hills,
For my help comes from the Lord,
The creator of the whole world.
He will restore my defective soul,
Heal my heart & make me whole.
He shall relive the dream that was once lost.
Therefore, in no one else will I put my trust,
Than the only one who is more than able,
To turn my sadness into gladness,
And turn my dark night into a bright light.
© DK Feb 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
The New Black Race
( In Celebration of Black History Month)
Yes! I’m black,
But that doesn’t mean I lack.
Don’t judge me by the colour of my skin,
But by the values I possess within.
You may have made my ancestors your slaves,
Used them, beat them up & lock them in caves.
You may have kept their body and soul in captivity,
And made them carry out your dirty activities.
You may have treated them like criminals,
Whipped them with sticks like animals.
You may have utterly crushed their spirit,
And condemned them to defeat.
But now, the new breed has arrived,
You tried to kill the African dream, but it survived.
The long awaited generation is finally here,
A generation that is strong with no fear.
A people showing up to prove their true worth,
Who’s been preparing themselves & now breaking forth.
We might have been accused and jailed,
In the past we might have woefully failed,
But we have come to take our rightful place,
A place that has been deprived our race.
We have come to demonstrate we can stand tall,
From now on, united we stand, never to fall.
We are black doesn’t mean all we do is smoke weed,
Gone are the days when they say we don’t read,
We are now great writers and readers.
We have become role models and leaders.
Once subjugated, but we have bounced back,
We never give up, that’s why we are black.
We are a race of valour,
We are proud of our colour,
We are black, but we are beautiful,
We are strong and we are powerful,
We are a race of rich tradition & culture,
We are the hope & the world’s future.
© DK, Feb 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tribute to the Brave Soldier
I woke up early to say a prayer with dad in the morning,
Never knew that the morning would turn into mourning.
It was still very dark outside, at about six o clock,
When I got what turned out to be a devastating shock.
An unusual incident had just happened in my town,
The mighty and giant tree had just fallen down,
The great fish in the river had drowned,
The happy face was suddenly frowned.
The mighty warrior had been slain.
Leaving all with broken heart and pain.
She battled so brave and strong,
She had held her own in battle for this long.
She thought this would also end with a victory song,
Unfortunately this time around the brave soldier was wrong.
But she was also right because she’s only passed on to glory,
Turning what seemed to be a bad news into a glorious story.
Now grave you tell me, Where is your victory?
Death I boldly ask you now, Where is your sting?
The kingdom soldier has only returned to her king.
Now her duty is no more to fight, but to worship and sing.
Although you are gone, but you will never be forgotten,
Your legacy has already been emphatically written.
Written and stamped on this broken heart of mine,
And now generates a light that makes my life shine.
How I wish you were here to see your little boy’s rise,
I owe it all to you because you paid the price.
Please say hello to the Angels for me,
I thank them for warmly welcoming you.
For me, I’ll keep the legacy until we see,
Eight years without you and I’m still missing you.
© DK, February 2010
In loving memory of my late beloved mother,
Mrs Omolara Aderenle Akintokun-Shittu
(April 19, 1952- February 15, 2002)
May you continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Rain of Love
Dark clouds gathering in the sky,
Making the blue sky turn grey,
Tension is starting to go high
What is becoming of this perfect day?
And asking myself the reason why.
Why the clouds have chosen to come today,
In frustration I was beginning to cry,
Hoping the cloud hasn’t come to stay.
I am just gonna go on my bed and lie,
Or better still go on my knees and pray,
Pray that this dark cloud rolls away.
But seems like it has something to say,
I hear it saying it’s about to rain,
And this rain is not of water, but of Love,
So let the rain of love fall on me right now.
Thunder striking so hard,
Lightening striking so bad,
Thunder sounds terrifying,
Lightening looks frightening.
It’s the most horrifying scene,
Unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
My fearful heart heavily pounds,
Each time the great thunder sounds.
My fear increases and my tear abounds,
Each time the lightening comes around.
Terrified, I had to lie down facing the ground,
Stay there until the purpose of this change is found.
Then a voice spoke that there would be a downpour,
But its gonna be a flood of love and not of water.
© DK, November 09
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
You & I
You are a great catch,
Coz you & I are a perfect match.
If I had this known all along,
I wouldn’t have taken this long.
You say that I make you real,
But words can’t explain how you make me feel.
You say that I beautify your life,
But you wait till you become my wife.
You call me your sunshine.
But you are the only idol in my shrine.
You call me your treasure,
But loving you gives me pleasure.
You refer to me as your heart,
But you stole all of my heart.
You are so humble & fine,
I’m proud to call you mine.
Each time you give me that smile,
I fall in love all over again.
If I don’t hear your voice for a while,
I feel like I’m going insane.
You are the mystery that was never hidden,
The question, the answer & the clue.
You are the dream that has always been true,
The hope that had since come through.
You are the sweetest thing life has offered me,
You are the best gift God has given me.
You are all that I have ever wanted,
And everything that I ever needed.
With you and I together,
Nothing else could be better.
You and I in this romantic love,
Has long been ordained from above.
© DK, January 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Kill Me
My heart is filled with fears,
My eyes are filled with tears,
My soul pierced with spears,
My spirit weakens & wears,
My body wears & tears,
Suicidal thoughts my mind bears,
Battered beyond repairs,
Been dying slowly over the years
You kill me like a slow poison,
Destroying me for no reason.
You feed on my system like a virus,
Contaminated my blood like HIV.
You break me up in little pieces,
You treat me like faeces,
You torture me emotionally,
That I run mental occasionally.
You descended upon my heart,
And you totally tore it apart.
You utterly crushed my spirit,
And devoured my flesh like meat.
You pleasurably fed on my soul,
Like a scrumptious meal in a bowl.
You took advantage of my body,
And treat me like I’m nobody.
The gifts you bring me is pain,
Your presence drives me insane.
But, onwards there’s nothing more to gain,
When you come trying to hurt me again.
Coz my feelings have been killed,
And my emotions can’t be healed.
If there is any worse thing you can do,
With all pleasure, go ahead and do.
And if there is nothing more you can do,
Just kill me now!
© DK, December 09
Monday, January 11, 2010
Beautiful Devil
She is so fresh & fair,
With the long brown hair.
She's got super sized hips,
With soft, tender and sexy lips.
In her eyes there is electrifying fire,
Which transmits current like electric wire.
In her heart, there is a big magnet,
That attracted whichever guy she met.
She is like a special pearl,
She’s every guy’s dream girl.
She is beauty’s measuring stick,
And all the boy’s number one pick.
She is the queen diva that rules,
Makes cool guys look like fools.
She is strong and dominating,
Unparallel beauty so intimidating.
She’s the type to take to momma,
A proud one to call your baby mama.
She’s the kind to take to your guys,
To make you a superstar in their eyes.
She turns boys into stalkers,
And turns the girls into haters.
She turns players into lovers,
And straight chicks into lesbians.
Your problem starts with beholding her face,
Coz the picture sticks forever, never to be erased.
It gets stuck in your head, never to be replaced,
Getting her off your mind now requires God’s grace.
She robs & torments simple hearts.
She captures & tortures weak souls.
Her beauty is good but at the same time evil,
That is why I call her a beautiful devil.
© DK, December 09
Monday, January 4, 2010
A Note to My Oppressor
You are a beast,
With a deadly fist.
I am like your prey,
And I have to pray.
Pray that when you launch your next punch,
It won’t take my pathetic life.
That when you swing the next blow,
It won’t take me 6 feet below.
A beat-down is how you say Hi,
Your joy is to give me a black eye.
You find pleasure in my cry,
And love to see me slowly die.
You hit me fierce & hard,
And said I made you mad.
You kick me around like a ball,
Pushed me hard against the wall.
You enjoy treating me bad,
You are happy seeing me sad.
You are the enemy of my soul,
And to destroy me is your goal.
You beat me up blue/black,
But now its time to fight back.
I swear to God!
I’ll fight till the last drop of my blood.
I have had enough,
And now, you tick me off.
I’m not scared of you animal.
You are nothing but a criminal.
You deviously stole my soul,
But now I’ve been made whole,
And everything you have stolen from me,
I’m gonna fight back to take it all back!
© DK, December09
Friday, January 1, 2010
The New Year
It's a New Year,
And this is the voice I Hear,
So loud and Clear,
Saying thou shall not Fear,
For God will not give you more than you can Bear,
Whenever you need someone to Care,
He is always There,
Even though life throws a big challenge like a Spear
Even though you are attacked from the front and the Rear,
Even though your heart skips like a Deer,
Do not Err.
Your God is Near,
By his word he did Swear,
That his glory will no man Share,
He will surely switch the Gear,
And wipe every Tear,
Then people will open their mouth wide and Stare,
Because you will not longer be the person you were,
Take praise as the garment you will wear,
And take God in your heart very close and Dear,
Assuredly Yea,
The new year will bring good news to our Ears.
(c) DK
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