My Life has been full of ups and downs,
Joy and pain, Smiles and frowns.
One moment, I feel like a king with a crown,
And the next I’m being made to look like a clown.
So many challenges have come my way,
But, I glad I’m still standing here today.
I lost my mother as a teenager,
Leaving me with a lifetime scar.
A motherless children’s world’s newest stranger.
My mother who has been my inspiration thus far.
Never knew I was being taught how to trust God,
Now see what he is making of my Life.
I almost got thrown out of school,
Although everyone thought I was cool.
But to myself, I looked like a fool,
As I was drowning in depression’s pool.
Never knew it was setting me up for something great,
Now I stand here, proud to call myself a graduate.
I have had my hopes dashed,
I almost got my dreams trashed,
I thought my future had been smashed,
My self esteem and confidence had crashed.
Hopelessness, depression, desperation and fear,
I experienced it all, I have been there.
I have been through fire and passed through hell,
What my eyes have seen, my mouth can’t accurately tell.
There were times in my closet I have had to cry,
Times I felt it might be better to just die,
Times I thought I couldn’t take it anymore,
Living with a broken spirit and a heart that was sore.
But through it all,
My God has been faithful.
For Catching my every fall,
I’m forever grateful.
You make me stand confidently tall,
And made my life so beautiful.
© DK, November 09