His life is full of shame and pain,
He can't think of a sunshine after the rain.
Between his dreams & reality is a tall fence,
Nothing in his life seemed to make sense.
He knew this was far from his bargained lot,
What God had promised wasn't what he got.
Every dream he felt he had was blown away,
But I know he will still have a good testimony to say.
Because he's breakthrough is already on the way,
He just has to keep his faith in God and pray.
We experience disappointments in life everyday.
It's a natural feeling when things don't seem to go our way,
But the way to handle it is ours to decide,
The weak and foolish ones think suicide,
The strong and wise ones use it as a motivation,
Like a stepping stone for elevation.
Things will not always go right,
Even the sky is not always bright.
Life may have beaten you down to the point of dying,
But as long as there is life then there is hope, just keep trying.
Snap out of every depressed state,
God will come through for you and he's never late.
He has your future planned out before him on a slate,
He will surely renew your strength if you trust him and wait.
He will make a way where there seem to be no way,
He will turn your dark night into a brand new day.
For everything in life, there is a time and season,
And everything in life happens for a reason.
From every disappointment, learn a lesson.
Because every disappointment is a blessing.
(c) DK.... March2009
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