I know I have said this many times before,
I know I promised never to do it anymore.
I never wish to hurt the one woman I adore,
Please give me one more chance before you shut the door.
I beg you not to slam my heart on the floor.
If you leave me, my heart will permanently become sore.
You know with you I’m nothing, and completely poor.
You are the only girl in my heart’s core.
Baby, I can not live my life without you.
If you could see my heart, you would know it’s true.
I’m very sure I’m not hearing this for the first time,
I have to ask if loving you is regarded as a crime.
You keep singing the same song over and over again,
But the only thing you constantly bring to my life is pain.
There is nothing you do better than drive me insane.
The hurt you cause me, my words can not explain,
You took so much tears from my eyes,
And now you do what you love to… Apologize!
Boy you take advantage because you know I love you,
Even though you beat me up black and blue.
What makes you think this time is different from the previous,
He does not respect you, isn’t that obvious?
For how long do you intend to live in this vicious circle?
You & I know that for him to change, you would need a miracle.
Stop deceiving yourself that everything will be alright,
And find someone else who would treat you right.
Someone who knows how to carefully treat a lady,
Someone who would take care of you like his baby.
Someone who would change your opinion about guys,
I mean someone like me.
© dk... August 2009
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