Inside a seed great potentials lies,
But if not properly taken care of, it dies.
For this unlimited potential not to spoil,
The seed should be planted on a good soil,
It should also be planted in the right season.
All these factors are considered for a reason.
After planting, you have to nurture you seed.
You should provide it the water it would need,
Clear up its perimeter, and make it free of weed.
It requires lots of efforts and sacrifice indeed.
But the scripture says whoever sows in tears,
Would surely return reaping in joy.
After a period comes the time of harvest,
A time that proves you passed the test.
A time of total joy and fulfilment,
A time to seat and access your achievement,
A time to count your blessings,
And enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Love can be likened to a planted seed.
Planted on the soil of a human heart.
Watered with emotions and passion,
In an atmosphere filled with compassion,
Weeding of with trust, openness and honesty,
And sacrificing time, money and energy.
I will nurture my seed of love so it doesn’t die,
I know that at some point, I will get hurt and cry.
But I don’t really mind to pay that for a price,
And give everything and even more as a sacrifice.
For I know that in due time, I will reap the fruit,
The sweet fruit of my seed of love.
© DK… August 2009
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