There is a time for everything in life,
And a season for every purpose on earth.
A time to love, and a time to hate,
A time to build, and a time to pull down,
A time to stay, and a time to leave,
A time to start, and a time to finish.
Every good thing they say, comes to an end,
So is your position with me as my girlfriend.
I know you never saw this coming,
But it’s someone else my heart is now calling.
Now its time to go, so I came to say good bye,
Baby please I beg you in love’s name not to cry.
Don’t cry because it is now over,
But rejoice because it happened.
I hurt as those tears drop down from your eyes,
I’m sorry! If I broke your heart, I sincerely apologize.
I will always remember the time I spent with you,
And the beautiful moments I shared with you.
I know I promised to forever stay with you,
Put a ring on your finger & proposed to you.
But it’s a pity; I won’t be able to keep that vow,
Not that I don’t want to; but things have changed now.
You will always have a special place in my heart,
But right now, I’m afraid its time to part.
I thank you for your love and commitment over the years,
I thank you for sharing with me in my laughter & my tears.
All the sweet memories will be the souvenir I’ll take wit me,
I pray you find someone else, someone better than me.
Someone who will treat you like the Queen that you are,
Because I honestly believe you deserve nothing but the best.
It’s with sadness and tears in my eyes that I walk away,
Knowing that we’ll meet again in joy on another day.
© DK… October 2009.
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