I can’t seem to get sleep anymore every NIGHT,
Because your beauty keeps displaying in my SIGHT,
Your thought in my mind is so clear and BRIGHT,
Despite the darkness of the NIGHT,
I decided to see it as a weakness I had to FIGHT,
But it was too strong, far beyond my MIGHT,
Now it’s putting me in a corner so TIGHT,
Did I fall in love? Maybe I just MIGHT,
Because every other thing didn’t just seem RIGHT,
I picked my pen and started to WRITE,
To pen the state of my mind in black and WHITE,
Suddenly the heaviness began to feel LIGHT,
And my attitude to it switched like turning on a LIGHT,
That I feel I am ready to climb the HEIGHT,
Or even if required grow wings for FLIGHT
Just to let you know how truly I FEEL,
And that my love for you is REAL.
(c) DK… Oct2008
foeraKtintsu-1994 Laura Masters https://wakelet.com/wake/hTZPgDvHL08mRuFHhDfG9
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