Don’t think you know me,
There more to me than what you see.
Don’t try to tell me anything about me,
Because you know nothing about me.
How can you tell me who I am?
When you don’t even know who you should be.
Who made you a ruler over others?
That made you deem it right to give orders.
What makes you think you can define people?
When you haven’t even discovered yourself yet.
Judge not, that you be not judged,
Condemn not, that you be not condemned.
You aren’t in the position to tell me how to live,
I don’t have to follow the guidelines you give.
I honestly don’t care what you think or do,
I’m independent and I do only what I want to.
Make all the mockery you possibly can,
It doesn’t still make you the better man.
Here is the contrast between you and I,
You are more concerned about fashion sense,
Instead, I prefer to have common sense.
You are more concerned about your present looks,
I am more interested in how my future looks.
That is the reason I can’t be like you.
This is a fact you should always know,
Life is not all about the flamboyance we can show.
Because I don’t live your kind of lifestyle,
Doesn’t make you in anyway better than me.
I am not what you or any man say I am,
I am what God says I am.
© DK… July2009
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