I lay in my bed and ponder,
The mystery of death makes me wonder.
What would people say about me if I die?
What would happen when I tell this wicked world Good-bye?
Will people be happy and laugh, or would they cry?
Will my tribute be the truth or a lie?
Will people take it as Gods will, or will they ask God... Why?
How much positive impact would I have made?
How many encouraging words would I have said?
How many lives would I have touched?
What kind of memories will I leave my loved ones with?
Which of my friends will never forget me?
Would I have fulfilled my calling,
Or would I be like a soldier fallen?
Yesterday is history, its only today we know.
No one knows what will happen tomorrow.
But I believe my tomorrow is safe in the hands of God.
I'm only using this as a wake up call and a reality check.
I wonder what will happen when I'm no more around.
When my spirit returns to God, my body to the ground,
And my soul is reserved, judgment bound.
When below the ground is where I would be found.
In the cold grave, completely silent with no sound.
Being translated into the world of the spirits,
Living in the darkest place of darkness,
In a place of isolation and loneliness.
Awaiting the day of judgement,
When my God will come with the sound of the trumpet,
And seize the keys of Hades and death.
He will lift me out of that dark place,
And the light of hope shall shine forth from his face.
Then, I will be caught up with him in the sky,
And mount up with wings and fly.
My body will be transformed and made incorruptible,
And death will have no more power over me.
For my God has swallowed up death in victory.
Halleluyah...Glory to God in the Highest...it is a thing of Joy to know we have a glorious end and will live forever and ever in the Land of SHINING AND GOLDEN LIGHTS.....we have no fear of whether we die today or tommorrow , GLORY GLORY GLORY TO GOD....wow ..DK , u r on point man...am stilling this ur poems ooo..but i go recognize ur copyright sha....
ReplyDeleteVery inspiring my brother. This should always be at the back of our minds in watver we do. Nice piece
ReplyDeleteYomi Atobajaiye